If you walk around any little Bulgarian town or village on the 1st of March, you will notice all people are wearing red-and-white yarn decorations called martenitsa. Sometimes they are bracelets, sometimes they are small ornaments, pinned to a blouse or jacket. This is our way to celebrate a beloved spring tradition, called Baba Marta. Baba Marta is a traditional Bulgarian holiday celebrated on the 1st of March So, why March, you may ask? Bulgarians believe that the first day of this month marks the beginning of spring. At the same time, March is famous for its constantly changing weather – one day it is cold and rains, the next – it is a warm, sunny day. The name “Baba Marta” translated to English means “Grandma March” because people in these lands believe that the weather is due to the elderly lady’s fickle mood: whenever she is happy, the weather is good. And when she is angry – it rains. The origin of the Martenitsa The tradition dates back to […]