What is cycling and why should we do it? And is cycling in Plovdiv a good idea?
Tackling the question of ‘why’ is the most important in any new discipline. There are many reasons why you should ride your bike, and the first of them is purely egoistical: For yourself! It’s an easy, low-impact form of exercise that is time-efficient, good for strength and stamina and fun!
Replacing your automobile with a bicycle for your daily commute is one of the best decisions you can make, and you will soon see changes in yourself. You’ll burn more calories and get leaner, and benefit from improved mental focus. Also, you’ll arrive at meetings happier and more energized from the exercise you just did. It’s also good for cities, making them more people-friendly and quiet, as one more cyclist is one less automobile on the road. Furthermore, last but not least, it’s eco-friendly, not producing any emissions. Just the presence of a cyclist passing by cars in a traffic jam gets people thinking that they could do it too.
Of course, you can start with a bicycle! Since you probably didn’t bring your own bike for your travel, you can always rent one in Plovdiv. Usually, there are different models you can choose from, but in Bulgaria, one of the most iconic models is the Балкан (Balkan) – an old classic from the Communist period. If you can rent such a bike you are ought to have a more authentic Bulgarian experience.
The second most important thing is to make sure you have a lock. You can get one for as low as 5BGN, although we do recommend getting a metal chain and lock. Plovdiv doesn’t have a high rate of stolen bicycles, yet we still wouldn’t recommend leaving it unattended tor extended periods of time. What other accessories do you need for cycling in Plovdiv? Brakes! They are a necessity, as well as lights, a bell, and a reflective vest if you plan to ride at night. Helmets are mandatory – after all, they can save your life.
Laws that are commonly unknown:
The whole city! Plovdiv has surprisingly good infrastructure for cycling, having over 60km of bike paths. Which makes cycling in Plovdiv a pleasure. On the included map, solid lines are already existing bicycle paths and dotted lines are ones waiting to be built in the coming years!
Happy cycling!