The fair in Rozhen is held every four years and musicians present their incredible skills.
For the first time, the festival took place in 1898. Angel Indzhov – a priest in the village of Sokolovtsi – came up with the riveting idea of the festival. At that time, the frontier between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire crossed the peak of Rozhen. Nowadays, the fair is still a guardian of the tradition.
The symbol of the festival is the orchestra “100 Kaba Gajdi” which literally means “100 Bagpipes”.
Namely here Valya Balkanska sang her unforgettable song ‘Izlel e Delyo Haydutin’which was later put on the board of the space station Voyager along with the music of Bach, Beethoven and Mozart.
The anthem of the Rhodope is its opening song – ‘Bela Sam, Bela, Yunache’ (I am White, White, and My Hero) under the accompaniment of One Hundred Bagpipes. The culmination of the competition is the gala show Zvezden Rozhen (Star Rhozen) in the evening of the first day.
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