March 13, 2021

Five buildings and monuments from the Communist era to visit in Plovdiv

The Communist era is a controversial period of the Bulgarian history that defined every aspect of life in our country for almost half a century. And since this is recent history, one can easily find a lot of Communist buildings and monuments in the Bulgarian cities and actually all around the country
March 2, 2021

Significant places associated with the Liberation of Bulgaria – Part 1

On the 3rd of March Bulgaria celebrates its Liberation Day. Why is this day so important to us and what is the history behind it?
January 27, 2021

How to navigate in the city center if you are staying in the Old Town of Plovdiv

If you are one of the lucky visitors who decided to stay in a hotel or a hostel in the Old Town of Plovdiv, you will need some directions to get yourself around in this area
December 2, 2020

Plovdiv Self-Guided Tour

by Free Plovdiv Tour A self-guided tour may sound strange to many people but actually it has a lot of perks. When should you consider a self-guided tour as an option? You don’t want to be a part of a group but you still don’t want to miss the most important sights in the city you are visiting. Self-guided tours are your chance to enjoy sightseeing without the company of people you don’t know. You missed the beginning of that marvelous tour you have read about and you are in town for a day trip, so you don’t have much time to organize anything else. Don’t worry, this is what self-guided tours are here for! The situation requires you to be careful and avoid crowds – for example, the coronavirus pandemic. It’s not a good idea to gather with lots of people, right? Plovdiv is an amazing city and you definitely need to explore as much as you can while you are here. We have prepared an essential list of […]
November 18, 2020

Тематичните безплатни турове на български от Free Plovdiv Tour

Вече 8 години Free Plovdiv Tour се провежда ежедневно в Града под тепетата. Организирането на турове на английски език ги прави чудесна идея за вашите гости и приятели от други държави. А знаете ли, че на всеки национален празник на България нашият екип организира и тур на български език за местните жители и посетители на Пловдив от други кътчета на страната ни? От тази есен можем да зарадваме пловдивчани и всички българи, решили да прекарат уикенд в Пловдив, и с още турове на български език. Тематичните обиколки на Free Plovdiv Tour са най-новият проект нa Сдружение 365 в града ни. Тематични турове на български Пловдив е населено място с хилядолетна история и е свидетел на много епохи. За щастие и до днес можем да намерим елементи от различните исторически периоди, които нашият красив град е преживял. Подготвили сме ви четири различни обиколки, които изследват съдбата на Пловдив в определени векове и ще ви разходят около сгради и забележителности, които са наследство от тях. Кога и къде да се присъедините? Тематичните […]
September 28, 2020

Bulgarian superstitions and curious traditions – Part 2

Superstitions have always been passed through generations and all of us have had our fair share of them throughout our lives. Either you had relatives with strong beliefs towards them, or they were just part of your culture. We have already introduced you to some of Bulgaria’s superstitions and curious traditions in this article. Let’s check more! Some of them are quite silly, but others are rather interesting, so here are some of the typical Bulgaria superstitions. “Every day” superstitions Did you know that… Leaving bread upside down is believed to bring misfortune and bad attitude in the house? Some Bulgarians don’t even give salt to their neighbors, due to the belief that by doing so, they are giving part of the family happiness? Usually, swallows are signs of spring, but if one decides to make its nest on the roof of your house in Bulgaria, it’s said that peace and tranquility will come to that home? If you sneeze, then someone is for sure talking about you? Is your […]
September 16, 2020

Bulgarian autumn – colorful fairytale near Plovdiv

Bulgaria is a country happy to have four distinct seasons. All of them have their charm and beauty. Having a magnificent nature we can enjoy picturesque sceneries all year. Since the Bulgarian autumn is very colorful and impressive, one quickly forgets the sadness over the hot summer days. Plovdiv is a city where summer continues until the end of September. If you are visiting after that don’t be alarmed. The town itself is beautiful and cozy in this season, but also, being in the central part of Bulgaria it is a perfect starting point for colorful autumn travels. Here are some ideas for a two-day autumn trip (or a weekend trip) an hour away from Plovdiv. Vrata village, Belintash and Karadzhov kamyk The village Vrata (Врата) is located in the Rhodope mountains, 46,5km from Plovdiv. Traveling by car you will need around one hour to reach it since part of the trip will be on some serpentines and you won’t be able to travel very quickly. There are several hotels […]
August 29, 2020

Free Walking Tours in Bulgaria

The concept of free walking tours is getting more and more popular around the world. And why not – there are so many good sides: Everyone can join It’s affordable You can choose when to join and leave It’s a wonderful introduction to a place that will give any guest a good idea on how to spend their time there In Bulgaria, free tours are also getting more and more popular. Here are the ones you can join while you travel around our country. !!! Important: Due to the coronavirus crisis we advise you to always check the websites of the tours or contact them via phone to make sure when and if they are happening. Free Walking Tours in Sofia Most tourists arrive in the capital since it’s where Bulgaria’s biggest airport is. Sofia can offer many beautiful sights and interesting history you should definitely explore. Therefore, you can find a wide variety of tours you can join for free. The Free Sofia Tour: As the Free Plovdiv Tour, it’s […]
August 19, 2020

Alternative Bulgarian Souvenirs

We, the tour guides of the Free Plovdiv Tour, are extremely lucky as we have had the chance to meet people from all over the world. We have shared our knowledge with them and they have done the same by revealing to us the culture of their homelands. In addition to that, all of us have also received unique gifts that brought us even closer to our guests (find out more by checking our Gifts and souvenirs from tourists article) and left us with memories for a lifetime. We know how important the gifts and souvenirs from a place are. They can help us capture a special moment and relive experiences we have had years ago. This is why we are now sharing with you a list of alternative Bulgarian souvenirs that you can bring back to your friends and families. Onions and violets No, we are not talking about the spicy vegetable and the flower. We are giving you a hint to buy typical Bulgarian candy because- who doesn’t […]