Superstitions have always been passed through generations and all of us have had our fair share of them throughout our lives. Either you had relatives with strong beliefs towards them, or they were just part of your culture. We have already introduced you to some of Bulgaria’s superstitions and curious traditions in this article. Let’s check more! Some of them are quite silly, but others are rather interesting, so here are some of the typical Bulgaria superstitions. “Every day” superstitions Did you know that… Leaving bread upside down is believed to bring misfortune and bad attitude in the house? Some Bulgarians don’t even give salt to their neighbors, due to the belief that by doing so, they are giving part of the family happiness? Usually, swallows are signs of spring, but if one decides to make its nest on the roof of your house in Bulgaria, it’s said that peace and tranquility will come to that home? If you sneeze, then someone is for sure talking about you? Is your […]